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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Region 45 - Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills

Rainout Policy

Region 45 Rain Out Policy

The AYSO Region 45 Field Closure hotline number is (650) 318-1617. This number is updated for the status of fields for games and practices.  Also check our Twitter feed and facebook page for the most up-to-date field status information.

Rain does not guarantee that a game or training session will be cancelled nor does sun guarantee that we will play.

In general, it is safe to play in the rain, unless lightning is present. The primary determining factor in whether we play or cancel is the current condition of the field and projecting whether damage will result from using that field. We would rather have a day of cancelled games than weeks or months of dealing with a closed field because we chose to play when we shouldn’t have.

Unless you verify otherwise, assume that the games will be played.

Procedure For Determining If Fields Are Closed

If you have a question on whether a field is playable or not –

For Mountain View Fields, please call the Recreation Division Field Closure Hotline at (650) 903-6416. This number is updated Monday through Friday up to 3:00 pm.

Los Altos does not have a field closure hotline, so it is up to us (coaches, parents, board members, etc) to determine whether a field can be used.

For the status of fields on the day of the game, please call the AYSO Region 45 message phone at (650) 318-1617.

Patience Please

In mid to late October, please be patient awaiting the rain out message to be updated on game day. If the weather is marginal but we don’t close the fields by Friday, we are unable to check fields until the sun starts to come up which can be as late as 7:30 am. At that point, we have a team of volunteers at the fields providing status. Only after field status has been received, can a final determination be made after which, we can update the message.

Note, that even if we do allow games to start, the Referee, at his or her discretion, can cancel or abandon a match if they feel that the conditions are unsafe or will do irreparable damage to the fields.

Rain or Wet Fields on Training Days

For training sessions, coaches, please do not use the grass if it has standing water or squishes like a sponge when you walk on it. Also, please do not use the fields if there are field closed signs posted. In this case, you will either need to cancel practice or conduct your practice on the blacktop.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 45

PO Box 4252 
Mt. View, California 94040

Email Us: [email protected]
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